Take the pain out of online marketing with MoxiMarketing. You can now advertise your services or your listings in just 5 minutes!
New! Now with Promote, ads automatically go to Facebook, Instagram, AND Facebook Audience Network, which includes hundreds of websites like CBS, Food Network, HGTV, Forbes, New York Times, Accuweather, Vogue, NFL, Men's Health, Huffington Post, and more.
Market on Facebook and Instagram today to win more listings in the future.
No need to connect your personal Facebook or Instagram accounts. Simply follow the three easy, prompted steps to select your budget and parameters. That's it! You'll be a marketing superstar before you know it.
Brokerages can now spread the brand further with co-marketing. Select your budget and parameters, and cover part of the ad cost for your brokerages’ listings.
This not only builds loyalty with your agents but markets your brokerage along the way. And, it requires almost no time or effort from your brokerage’s team. These real estate marketing tools' settings are simple and easy to set and adjust at any time.